This video is paddling the Pigeon River from the East Sturgeon Valley Road Bridge to the Tin Bridge Road. This paddle is in the lower peninsula of Michigan. The river was clear, but low due to lack of rainfall, extremely low resulting in a lot of bottom scraping and wading. The weather on this day was beautiful with plenty of sunshine.
There were a few campgrounds and only one bridge between the two that we staged ourselves. This section of the river is quite remote. This is not a destination paddling river when compared to the Sturgeon. Canoe liveries do not maintain this river, but instead, focus on the Sturgeon. The only help this river gets to keep it clear are from paddlers and fisherman.
The paddlers in this video are Jim in the front of the Mad River Revelation canoe with me and his son Riley paddling the Kayak.
Here are the links if interested in doing a similar trip. Click below:
Check out the video below and thank you!