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Paddling the Pere Marquette River – Baldwin to Ludington

Gleason’s Landing Campsite
Eagle in Tree Over River

This multi-day paddle was delayed by one year due to the July 2019 precipitation amounts that resulted in overflowing banks on the Baldwin and Pere Marquette rivers.  The water was so high that paddlers could not pass underneath the various bridges on the Pere Marquette and there was major flooding all around Baldwin, MI.  We delayed paddling the Pere Marquette in 2019 and went on the slower moving Manistee River instead.  However, 2020 was a different story and we were able to paddle it using last year’s plan.  This trip started on July 15, 2020 and ended on July 18, 2020.

Day 1 – With help from my wife Jennifer, she dropped Jim Jones and I off at Forks Landing via James Road.  We loaded the Mad River Revelation with our gear, snapped some photos, and began the four day journey.  The river portion at Forks Landing is narrow and we had to use care as we navigated around various tree fall obstacles.  Our goal was Gleason’s Landing where there is a rustic campground.  Earlier in the day before we started paddling, we setup our tents and purchased firewood so the camp would be ready.  Also, we thought this would help lighten our load as we paddle the brief, but tougher part of the river between Forks Landing and the M-37 bridge.  Once we arrived at Gleason’s Landing, we passed the launch area and navigated to where our tents were setup along the riverbank.  We had a hearty dinner, campfire, and chatted for awhile.  During the night, some racoons were trying to get into our coolers, but we had the picnic table seat set on top.  Also, it rained in the early morning hours and subsided shortly before we woke up.  Total time = 3 hours 17 minutes. Moving time = 2 hours 30 minutes. Distance = 8.75 miles. There were some trees down that required careful paddling.

Log Cabin

Day 2 – After a hearty breakfast made over the campfire, we loaded the canoe.  Shortly after, we were off paddling what would be the longest day and the most miles of the trip with our destination of Barothy Lodge.  Other than navigating around various log jams and fallen trees, this day was uneventful.  We did manage to spot an Eagle directly over our heads, not more than 20 feet away.  Jim took a photo and we reminded ourselves how lucky we were to have encountered this experience.  Once we arrived at Barothy Lodge, we checked in and the nice staff accommodated our request to help us move our gear to the “Log Cabin”. We tried to fish the ponds, but no luck. We used our food supplies and made a nice dinner using the grill and kitchen facilities in the Log Cabin. Shortly after, we turned in for the night. Total time = 10 hours 42 minutes. Moving time = 7 hours 0 minutes. Distance = 24.70 miles. There were some trees down that required careful paddling.

Jim After Leaving the Backwaters

Day 3 – This day would be packed with adventure! The experience of the backwaters made me feel like a kid again. Lost in these seemingly endless canals and water routes made my day. As this adventure passed, we worked our way towards Riverside Landing on the south end of Scottville. The park supervisor was very helpful and used a Gator to move our gear to the campsite. Once we established camp, Jim took a nice afternoon siesta. As early evening approached, we took advantage of the shower facilities and had a nice dinner over the campfire. This would be the first night that we both elected not to use our tent’s rainfly to take advantage of some star gazing. It was a beautiful night to do it with no clouds and nice temperatures. Total time = 6 hours 36 minutes. Moving time = 4 hours 57 minutes. Distance = 14.99 miles. There were some trees down that required careful paddling.  Also, there were a few logs that spanned the river where we lifted the canoe over the main part of the tree.  Backwaters resulted in some navigational challenges, but that was part of the fun!

Scott on One of Several Trees

Day 4 – This would be our last day on the river. As we got underway, there was a campground directly after the Scottville Road Bridge. Lots of campers, trailers, and even a camp setup with a projector and big screen to watch movies! As we approached Ludington, the flow of the river slowed considerably. My wife was waiting for us at Sutton’s Landing. Total time = 4 hours 31 minutes. Moving time = 3 hours 51 minutes. Distance = 11.77 miles. There were some trees down that required careful paddling.

Small Portion of the Backwater Area

I enjoyed the Pere Marquette River. It seemed very similar to the Pine River. Fast moving mostly and similar amount of log jams and tree obstacles. Like the Pine River, permits are needed for certain sections.

Trip Summary: Total Time = 4 Days & 3 Nights.  Moving Time = 18 hours 18 minutes. Distance = 60.21 miles.

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